{ Forty Five Degrees } | When.Lady.Sun.Says.Goodbye.

Forty five degrees. Or less.

That's the angle of the light during this time of day. Warmer hues separate light and dark, giving way to longer shadows. My favorite time of the day. I love it when the Lady Sun is down low, just peeking across the horizon, heading out to her slumber...at least from this side of the world. It's a perfect time of the day...

The magic hour.
The golden hour.
When the Sun sets.

Each sunset brings hope for a better day...a new tomorrow. A time of letting go of all the junk that accumulated during the day. A time for a breath of fresh air, knowing that on the other side of the horizon...Lady Sun is still shining and will greet us with her shine again on the morrow.

Here's wishing that your evening is rested as one day ends, making way for a better one when the morning comes.

Cheers from the Bay!


Fujifilm X-Pro1 | Fujinon 35mm F1.4R


Fujifilm X-Pro1 | Fujinon 35mm F1.4R


Fujifilm X-Pro1 | Fujinon 35mm F1.4R


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