{ Twice Struck } | Does.Lightning.Strike.Twice?

Does lightning strike twice in the same place?

Apparently for the wielder of the lighting rods from Mt. Fuji, it does.  The engineering-gods from the mountain-that-dared-to-stand-against-the-legend-that-is-Leica has indeed delivered [three.point.oh.one] version of their firmware for the X-Pro1.  This new fix was done and delivered in record time to solve the supposed video function issue in some downloads, which I didn't experience upon upgrading my X-Pro1 to [three.point.oh].

The lightning rod that was firmware upgrade does strike twice in the same week, I suppose.  And as an end user and a consumer of the Fujifilm X-system, I'd like to say:  

Camera makers around the world...take notice: This kind of focus and response to customer satisfaction is how loyal subjects were made! B-)  I, for one, am an "X-Transformed.Believer.For.Life!" ;-)

Here are some snaps taken with the X-Pro1 of the Trans America Tower here in San Francisco Bay.  All shots used the ever-so-awesome Fujinon 14mm 2.0R - a perfect lens for landscape, architecture and urban photography, IMHO.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and here's to an awesome week ahead!

Trans.America.Tower | Scene.1

Taken with: Fujifilm XPro-1 | Fujinon 14mm 2.8R

Trans.America.Tower | Scene.2

Taken with: Fujifilm XPro-1 | Fujinon 14mm 2.8R

Trans.America.Tower | Scene.3

Taken with: Fujifilm XPro-1 | Fujinon 14mm 2.8R

Trans.America.Tower | Scene.4

Taken with: Fujifilm XPro-1 | Fujinon 14mm 2.8R

Trans.America.Tower | Scene.5

Taken with: Fujifilm XPro-1 | Fujinon 14mm 2.8R

Trans.America.Tower | Scene.6

Taken with: Fujifilm XPro-1 | Fujinon 14mm 2.8R


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